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Hex Bolt
Sucket Bolt , Allen Bolt
Stud bolt
Hex Nuts and Heavy Hex Nuts

Class 12.9 Bolt

Class 12.9 bolt has the highest percentage of carbon among all bolt materials and has had heating and tempering process on its rod prior to production. Class 12.0 bolt has 1220 Mpa Tensile, 1100 Mpa Yield stress and 38-44 Rockwell hardness. Class 12.9 bolt is manufactured following ASTM F568 standard.

Class 12.9 bolt has a very high strength and is very brittle. It is assembled along with Class 12 nut. This class of bolt can withstand 120 kgs load per square millimeter and will remain in elastic stage under 90 percent of this load. Class 12.9 bolts are usually used in heavy industries like bridge and dam construction.

N Load in Elastic Area Proof load N Proof load Kg Effective Area mm^2 mm Minor Diameter mm Major Diameter Bolt Class
13434 14926 1521.6 12.68 4.019 M5 12.9
18787 20875 2127.96 17.733 4.773 M6 12.9
34772 38635 3938.4 32.82 6.466 M8 12.9
55368 61520 6271 52.26 8.16 M10 12.9
80742 89714 9145 76.21 9.853 M12 12.9
110863 123182 12556 104.64 11.546 M14 12.9
152607 169563 17284.8 144.04 13.546 M16 12.9
186955 207728 21175.2 176.46 14.993 M18 12.9
239304 265894 27104.4 225.87 16.993 M20 12.9
300012 333347 33980.4 283.17 18.993 M22 12.9
343377 381530 38892 324.1 20.319 M24 12.9
549573 610637 62246.4 518.72 25.706 M30 12.9
804060 893400 91070 758.92 31.093 M36 12.9
1106732 1229703 125352 1044.6 36.479 M42 12.9

Bolt and nut

Class 12.9 Bolt