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Hex Bolt
Sucket Bolt , Allen Bolt
Stud bolt
Hex Nuts and Heavy Hex Nuts


Washers are useful industrial parts that are often used with bolts and nuts and are manufactured in different shapes and with different purposes. Washers are usually manufactured with flat shape and spring shape also known as split lock washer. Just like the bolts and nuts, Washers follow international manufacturing standards that determine the inner diameter, outer diameter and thickness. The Metric washers that are assembled along with metric bolts and cap head screws and nuts follow DIN125 standard.

Standard Washer DIN125 dimensions

Standard Metric Washers are round are made of steel, alloy steel or stainless steel. Washer Standard Weight and Dimensions
Weight grThickness sd2 Outer Diameterd1 Inner DiameterSize
0.4431 mm10 mm5.3 mmM5
1.021.6 mm12 mm6.4 mmM6
1.831.6 mm16 mm8.4 mmM8
3.572.0 mm20 mm10.5 mmM10
6.272.5 mm24 mm13.0 mmM12
8.622.5 mm28 mm15.0 mmM14
11.33.0 mm30 mm17.0 mmM16
14.73.0 mm34 mm19.0 mmM18
17.23.0 mm37 mm21.0 mmM20
18.33.0 mm39 mm23.0 mmM22
32.34.0 mm44 mm25.0 mmM24
42.34.0 mm50 mm28.0 mmM27
53.64.0 mm56 mm31.0 mmM30

Split Lock Washer

Split washers are usually used along with flat washers and are meant to increase the connecting tension and preload. they also help lock the connection and avoid loosening while dynamic loads are applied.
Standard Split washers are manufactured based on DIN127 Standard.

Split Lock Washer
bolt and nut
Metric Flat Washers

Metric Flat Washers

Metric flat washers are manufactured based on DIN125 and used often with hex bolts, stud bolts and Allen bolts in connection with nuts to properly propagate the load on the connecting surface and protecting them from abrasion while fastening.
Flat washers follow the material of the bolts and nuts and are delivered as plain or with Zinc plating.
